The New WordPress org Plugin Repository

Originally posted 4 July 2016.

The WordPress plugin repository is being worked on.

A “beta” version is up right now at:

The following screenshot shows the WordPress plugin repository while making a search for featured.

WordPress plugins Repository. Search showing featured.
WordPress plugins Repository. Search showing featured.

What is missing from the above is a filtering approach to searching for plugins. Here is one suggestion.

WordPress Plugin Repository mockup suggestion which also includes filtering.
WordPress Plugin Repository mockup suggestion which also includes filtering.
WordPress Plugin Repository. Individual plugin screen. Includes a search filter.
WordPress Plugin Repository. Individual plugin screen. Includes a search filter.

In addition to items from my first wireframe I included the Make Favorite red heart and text. (I have it already Favorited.)
I moved the title and author name above the plugin banner and removed the extra thumbnail banner.
I made the wide plugin banner smaller.
Added the column to the right of the banner.
Made the description area as wide as the banner. What is most important in viewing a plugin screen is the information sections.
Brought back in tabs which gives a good overview of what information is available.
I changed the search drop down colors from white to blue (just as a test).

Before searching for plugins or in the individual plugin screen one could open a View filter to activate additional filters in the search field.

One can also open a View Filter setting.

WordPress plugin Repository. View and Select Filter.
WordPress plugin Repository. View and Select Filter.

WordPress backend Installed plugins screen

Add a dash of filtering. Inspiration from the Media Library.

Installed Plugins screen. Includes filtering.
Installed Plugins screen. Includes filtering.

I changed the bar under the Plugins title.
Viewable by text/description or by smaller thumbnails or simpler methods. Similar to what can be done in the Media Library.
Added information into a drop down.
Added a search drop down box that will search installed and new plugins.

I made these mockups to show an alternative that I believe will be a better option for most users.
Having a good search and defining the viewing plugin experience is very important. As is the overview such as tabs or similar to create a clear distinction between the information that is available on each single plugin screen.

I am hoping my mockups can inspire and improve the existing “beta” version located at

There was also an article written at:

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