WordPress tutorials and more
WordPress tutorials and more
How to add a partial payment to Fluent Forms Pro
Creating a payment order form using Fluent Forms Pro
How to use calculations in Fluent Forms Pro WordPress plugin
How to use conditionals in Fluent Forms WordPress plugin
Importing entries into Fluent Forms Pro WordPress plugin
Setting up Fluent Forms WordPress contact form plugin
How I did a technical audit of a WordPress web site
Optimizing for speed the WPML WordPress multilingual plugin
How to delete a huge number of Flamingo Contact Form 7 submissions
How to add user access to a Google Analytics account
How to customize a Vimeo video embed in WordPress
One can embed a Vimeo video into WordPress using the standard embed link. In the Vimeo dashboard channel one selects the video and clicks the Embed tab and clicks the…
Using the WPML multilingual language WordPress plugin with full site editing
What is WordPress?
This is the first version of “What is WordPress?” tutorial and is meant as a presentation at a learning course I will be holding. It will changed over time as…
Removing unrelated videos from Youtube embeds in Gutenberg
How to add Category labels on top of the featured images in the Post Preview Query Loop in Gutenberg
In the Query Loop I replaced the Featured Image block with a Cover block and added Category blocks on top of the Cover. Making Category button labels. I also added…
One solution to be able to send out emails from your web site
Having problems sending and or receiving emails from a web site? I had trouble sending emails from some client sites after a major change at the Norwegian web host ProISP.…
How to use Disqus comments in WordPress
Using the Disqus commenting system The official Disqus Comment System plugin was last updated in 2021 and has very low ratings. I noticed there is an alternative to the official…
WordPress Discussion: Customize WordPress notification e-mails
It can be tricky as only the site admin will receive an email when a comment is held for moderation. This can be changed. Adding custom e-mail addresses for comment…
The WordPress Comments / Discussion Settings
The WordPress Settings – Discussion options give you various settings on how to handle comments on your web site. I will go through the Discussion settings to see what we…
Cleaning up a WordPress Database
A WordPress database will over time become more and more bloated, as it becomes filled with various information / entries. From posts, comments, users, themes, plugins and more. Too often…
Privacy plugins in WordPress
The first version of this tutorial. General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)What is a Privacy PolicyWordPress Privacy settings and guide A few WordPress Privacy plugins– Complianz GDPR plugin– CookieYes plugin– Cookie…
Why I choose to use the Blocksy WordPress theme
I have for a few years been looking for a WordPress theme that could replace Genesis Framework as well as the retired Beans Framework which I have been using. A…
Fixing fatal errors in WordPress
A moment ago a client web site was down. Showing only a white screen with a 500 Internal Server error text. Seeing a white screen with an error message can…
How to add code to Header or Footer in WordPress
In WordPress we can manually add code to the header or footer of a web site using the following example. An example of adding a Google tag to the head…
How to use a Code Snippet plugin in WordPress
Code Snippets plugin overview.How I use Code Snippets.Code snippets in the cloud.Code Snippets Pro. A code snippet is a piece of code one usually adds to the child theme functions.php…
How to join WordPress Slack channels.
How to join WordPress on Slack This is a summary of how to join WordPress on Slack called Making WordPress. It is used as a communication tool for contributing to…
Give Donation WordPress plugin walk through
The Give donation plugin for WordPress. The plugin contains form templates to help create your fundraising campaigns. It also contains fundraising reports and donor management. A WPGive setup wizard is…
Sorting the Media Library
The current Media Library in WordPress has looked the same for many years. What options are there to order / sort / organize the media library today? I have tested…
Changing a menu link to become a text item
Removing the link from a menu item. Sometimes we want a link not to be a link but just be a text item.An example can be a top link with…
Adding icons to your menus
Font Awesome is one of the most used icon libraries. I will show how to add icons to Adding Font Awesome icons to your menu You can use the Font…
Creating a Social Media Menu
Currently with Gutenberg / Block editor we can create a Social Media menu, by adding the Social Icons block. In the backend in a post or page. Write /social and…
Using Conditional logic in menus in WordPress
The current method to handle menus is to go to the Appearance -> Menus. Create a menu, add content and set the display location. Then Save the menu. Add a…
EZP Coming Soon Page Elite plugin
Plugin has been closed down by the author. The EZP Coming Soon Page WordPress plugin is good to use for new launches/maintenance or when the site needs to be offline…
Automatically set fallback featured image
Here are various ways to add a featured image. I am showing examples with setting the same image for all featured images, taking the first image in the post content…
Customizing comments section in WordPress
The following tutorial was originally created years ago. I decided to add on Full Site Editing to where we can modify the comments through the Comments block and associated inner…
Speeding up WordPress site manually and through cache plugins
Sometimes we need to speed up a WordPress site. We would then find a performance plugin. Two sites I use for checking the performance of a site:gtmetrix.com and tools.pingdom.comOther sites…
How to create a Google Analytics Account
Having a Google Analytics account will help we gain a deeper understanding of the visitors to a website. Go to setup a Google Analytics account gives an overview of the…
Drag and drop page ordering in a tree page view WordPress
Currently the default method to rearrange WordPress pages or posts is to go to All Posts / All Pages. Click “Quick Edit” of the page/post you would like to have…
Some plugins I use
There are some plugins I use on most sites that I run. Akismet – is by default installed. Deals with comments spam. All in One WP Security / WP Cerber…
A short overview of WordPress Security plugins
Here is an overview of various Security plugins in WordPress. All in One WP SecurityBulletProof SecurityDefenderiThemes SecuritySecuPressShield SecuritySucuri SecurityWordfenceWP CerberMy thoughts on the security plugins. I installed the plugin Query…
Security Tips
Update WordPress, your themes and plugins.Change username from Admin to something else.Use a strong password.Delete the wp-config-sample.php from your root folder along with the readme and any unnecessary files. I deleted…
An easy way to duplicate post or pages
One can duplicate a post or page or custom posts using a plugin or inserting code (snippet) into the child theme functions file or a code snippet plugin. Code snippet…
Create your own author bio box in WordPress without a plugin
The following uses code to create your own author biography box. It includes adding additional social media to the profile screen as well as creating your own custom author box…
Exporting and Importing WordPress posts pages media and more
It is possible to Import and export content from one WordPress site to another. Exporting content Go to Tools -> Export.Select the content to be exported.All content, Posts, Pages or…
Adding your own avatar
How to add your own avatar to the discussion settings screen in WordPress. One can add an avatar I called “Golden Globe” to the list at the bottom of the…
Manage your avatar in WordPress
Managing your avatar profile image in WordPress. The default for managing your avatar in WordPress is using a gravatar. This means you need to sign up at gravatar.com and add…
Useful WordPress site helper tools
Site helper tools can be many things. I decided to focus this tutorial on Site staging sites and ways to detect with a site is made with WordPress or not.…
Sticky content at bottom of page
The site Header and all the content begins on the bottom of the page. To see more one scrolls and the content is lifted up into view.Here is an example…
Creating a footer that sticks to the bottom – WordPress
Using the default theme Twenty Twenty One as an example when creating a sticky footer. Right click the footer area. Look for the id colophon and class site-footer in the…
How to make a sticky header in WordPress
Sometimes we want an area of the page to be fixed or stick to the page. Sections: A sticky top Navigation menu.A sticky header. Adding a sticky Navigation menu. An…
Cleaning up filenames that have non utf8 characters in them
Using a code snippet to clean up filenames. Gradually adjustments are made in WordPress so that non English characters from file names are sanitized (changed to English characters) when these…
Customizing Altitude Pro Genesis child theme
Altitude Pro is an older Genesis one page child theme which uses widgets to create sections on a page. A section can contain a background image and various content. With…
The SEO Framework
An overview of the SEO Framework WordPress plugin. The Yoast SEO and All in One SEO plugins are very different from The SEO Framework. I have added tutorials to show…
All in One SEO pack
An overview of the All in One SEO WordPress plugin. The plugin went through a major overhaul in 2021. I have added articles to show the settings of a few…
WordPress SEO plugin
An overview of the WordPress Yoast SEO plugin. This plugin is one of the most popular WordPress SEO plugins on the marked. It will automatically take care of the site’s technical…
Using Poedit 2 Pro to translate a WordPress plugin or theme
I am currently using version 3.2 of Poedit. As this article has been updated from the older version which mentioned Poedit version 2. Poedit will suggest translations for each phrase. I…
Contact Form 7 Customization tutorial
After installing and activating Contact Form 7 a new sidebar item is seen named Contact with the sub sections Contact Forms, Add New and Integration. Going to Contact Forms one…
Creating a client friendly login screen
The result of adding custom code and CSS. I enqueued (fetched) the theme stylesheet in this code. It should be added to the functions file of the child theme or…
Adjusting list columns in backend
I will be showing how to adjust the All Posts / All Pages / all Custom Post Type screen. To include additional columns and modify the current ones listed. I…
Creating a movie custom post type
The following shows code to add a custom post type (CPT). I would suggest using CPTUI plugin or the Pods plugin. I have used both and it makes it easier…
How to disable update emails on success
The following code shows to disable automatic update plugin emails on success. One can get a lot of emails when the Enable plugin auto-updates is turned on. Here is code…
Automatic update of WordPress and themes
In WordPress 5.6 and onward we are able to update WordPress core, translations, plugins and themes through the Automatic update in WordPress. Here is an example from the Installed plugins…
Creating a custom dashboard widget
Here is the default Dashboard panel seen in WordPress 5.9. Remove default Dashboard Widgets Removing all the dashboard widgets. The result of removing all the Dashboard widgets. Dashboard Widgets –…
Adding links in the top admin toolbar menu
How to modify the top admin toolbar menu in WordPress. The following approach uses code to be added to a custom plugin, a core snippet plugin or in a child…
Creating a custom user role
Reorder left admin menu and add a custom user role
Clone the administrator user role.Reorder the left WP admin menu. Clone the administrator user role When we need a new administrator user role. Create a new role by adding the…
Ninja Forms 3 default form templates
In the backend: Going to Ninja Forms and clicking the ADD NEW blue button a list of templates is seen. By exploring various templates one see how the various forms…
Using conditional logic in Ninja Forms
Conditional logic is a paid add-on / Extension plugin for Ninja Forms. After having installed and activated the extension / add-on. Find the form you plan to use it in.Here is…
Ninja forms 3 walk through step by step guide
I have decided to consolidate the two Ninja forms beginner tutorials that I have. I will add some general tips here and a link to the walk through tutorial. How…
Styling a Ninja Forms contact form
Main styling sections Adding ColumnsDesigning the formAdding Fontawesome iconsNinja Forms – Layout & Style add-on To style a Ninja Forms one first needs to enable Developer Mode. Open one of…
Ninja Forms WordPress plugin walk through
This is an introduction tutorial to the contact form plugin – Ninja Forms. After installing and activating Ninja Forms go to Ninja Forms -> Dashboard: There are tabs for Forms,…
Easy translation of text or phrases
By adding the below code to the functions.php file or a code plugin one can easily translate text without needing to install a plugin such as Loco Translate or translating…
Invoice payment in WooCommerce
Setting up an invoice payment in WooCommerce. Part 1: Install and activate PDF Invoices & Packing Slips plugin. (Or any of the other PDF plugins.) I am using: WooCommerce PDF…
WooCommerce: Modifying the cart page
How to modify the WooCommerce Cart page. Here is the default cart page using the theme Twenty Twenty Two. Add a continue button. Result: For a variation of the above…
WooCommerce: Adjust shipping price when quantity changes
I have added on to this tutorial.Adjust shipping fee based on quantity in cart.Adjust shipping fee based on total amount in cart. Adjust shipping fee based on quantity in cart.…
WooCommerce: Add custom fields to the Checkout page
Part 1: Modifications of the current fields seen in the checkout page. We are now at part 2: Add custom fields to the Checkout page. Here is the default Checkout…
WooCommerce: Add a Continue Shopping button to Single product, Cart and Checkout pages.
I decided to create a separate tutorial for adding a Continue Shopping button to multiple pages.The following example uses the theme Twenty Twenty Two. The CSS: Result: The Single Product…
WooCommerce: modifying the Checkout page
We are now at part 1: modifications of the current fields seen in the checkout page. Next up is part 2: Add custom fields to the Checkout page Here is…
WooCommerce out of stock inquiry form
The following code will add a button to a product that is out of stock. Clicking the button will open a form. Example from Theme Twenty Twenty Two. If product…
WooCommerce: Show or hide product category if user is logged inn.
Show a product category if user is logged in and another product category if user is not logged in. A default shop page with a few products using the theme…
Woocommerce: minimum quantity drop down
The Single product page. Changing the Add to Cart quantity selector. Add the following code to change from arrow select to a drop-down. Add the following CSS: Result: Minimum quantity…
Modify the WooCommerce Shop page
The typical shop page will look something like this:(Example using the theme Twenty Twenty Two.) Remove “Showing all x results” and sorting drop down. The WooCommerce Shop page contains the…
Modify the WooCommerce single – individual product page
Here is an example of a single / individual product page in WooCommerce. Using the default theme Twenty Twenty Two. There are different ways to add code. Through a code…
Contextual Related Posts WordPress plugin
A related posts plugin can show related posts from the same site usually at the bottom of an article. Why I decided to use Contextual Related Posts plugin:1. There are a lot…
How to add top level domains to your WordPress multisite network.
After having created a Multisite Network we need to add sub sites. To do so I have made the following video. I will show you how to add two top…
Suggestions on how to fix plugin, themes and fatal errors in WordPress.
Sometimes plugins or themes updates fail and one is left with a non working web site. What is also called a fatal error. There are multiple approaches to try out…
Inspect Element – Taking a closer look at the code of a web site
https://www.easywebdesigntutorials.com/wp-admin/post.php?post=1218&action=edit There is a way to modify the CSS of any web site, but just visiting it and right clicking inside the browser to select Inspect (Element). I have right…
WordPress Debug and Troubleshooting plugins
From time to time we will need to figure out why something is not working correctly. Adding a WordPress debug plugin is one method. Another is editing the wp-config file…
Fixing problems in WordPress multisite Network
Missing multisite htaccess code The htaccess file needs the following network code to function properly. If the above code is missing then you might experience problems with publishing with Gutenberg…
The WordPress Network Multisite user interface
An overview of the current WordPress Multisite user interface. After activating a Multisite Network new options are added. How to activate a Multisite Network. Network Admin: Sites -> Add NewAdd…
BuddyPress how to show only subscribers on the members page
Going to a BuddyPress members page will show all registered users including the Administrators. We might want to remove/hide the administrator users from the members page. To only show subscribers…
Hide BuddyPress pages and bbPress forums from not logged in users
The following code snippets will redirect a not logged in users when they click a BuddyPress or a bbPress link. There is some variation between these depending on what you…
Customizing the Excerpts Meta Box
Create and style the Excerpt in the Block Editor (Gutenberg). Go to a post and in the right sidebar settings area of the document (Post). Notice the Excerpt area.Here I…
Adding a lightbox to WordPress without using a plugin
Do please help me adjust or improve the below lightbox codes. Thank you very much!Here are the lightboxes I have added to this tutorial. ColorboxLightbox 2Fancybox 3Fancybox 4 (not yet…
Creating a child theme
I will show how to create a child theme and why we use it. We mainly create a child theme to avoid the theme being overwritten when the parent theme…
Cpanel: Backup and Restore
cPanel has a few backup and restore software. Two I have come across are: JetBackup. The webhost automatically backs up the account every night to a remote server and is…
Editing the wp-config file and debugging in WordPress.
The WordPress configuration file is located in the root of your WordPress file directory and contains the website’s base configuration details, such as database connection information. All code is to…
Themify me WordPress themes
I might update this tutorial showing newer Themify themes. Older tutorial. Originally from 2 March 2013. Updated 8 January 2016. Below here are many video tutorials that will help you…