WordPress Core Projects

Originally posted 5 January 2016.

Core Projects being worked on for future release in WordPress Core.

WP Fields API

PJ: What is the WP Fields API?

Scott: Fields API is a project that lets you build structures for WordPress objects.
A structure is a field that makes up a content type/object.
Example: The user object has social fields.

User Objects with Social Fields. 2016.
User Objects with Social Fields. 2016.

Scott: An Object is a type of content such as Users, Terms, Posts, Comments, Settings, Menus etc.

PJ: How can the WP Fields API improve on how structures are built today?

Scott: When you register fields to an object, these structures can be available to the REST API, which opens the door to integrations and apps and all sorts of things, for every part of core and plugins that use the Fields API.

Being able to register entire structures for content types with the Fields API, instead of each plugin / theme developer (and especially core itself) having multiple APIs and various ways of building with them.

PJ: Are you saying that the Fields API can consolidate the various API methods that exist today into one unifying code?

Scott: Right and with that be able to provide a streamlined experience for developers building things in WordPress core as well as plugins/themes.

PJ: The Fields API project is very important making it easier to improve and adjust other areas of WordPress by streamlining the code experience.

For more information check the Github project site:
github: sc0ttkclark WordPress Fields API

Toolbar Experiments

Testing of possible changes to the WordPress Toolbar.

Some ideas include:

  • Auditing the current contents to ensure we are including what is most useful for the majority.
  • Including the complete admin menu as a dropdown.
  • Adding jQuery Menu Aim for better interaction with flyouts.
  • Investigating better touch interaction.
  • A closer look at the HTML/CSS.

github: Helen Housandi WP toolbar experiments


Shiny Updates

Improves on the user experience of installing and updating plugins and themes.

github: obenland shiny updates


Makes using shortcodes more user friendly.

Feature plugin shortcode ui

Rest API part 2 will be added to WordPress version 4.5.
Another project I hope will be going forward soon is better media management in the media library.

Check out the wishlist for 4.5.

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