Sometimes we need to use conditions in the code.
Here are some conditional examples using the now expired Beans WordPress Framework. Here is a link to my Beans tutorial website. (Not sure how long the site will stay online.)
add_filter( 'beans_layout', 'example_force_layout' );
function example_force_layout() {
if ( is_front_page() ) {
return 'c'; // Full width content
if ( is_page(contact) ) {
return 'c_sp'; // Content left - sidebar right
else {
return 'sp_c'; // Sidebar left - content right
/***** My modifications - This is just part of a code *****/
// Set default image for front page.
if ( is_front_page() ) {
$image_url = '
// Set default image for contact.
if ( is_page('contact') ) {
$image_url = '
// Set a default image if no feature image is found.
if ( false === $image_url ) {
$image_url = '
// Stop here if we are on a single view.
if ( is_singular() || is_admin() ) {
return $content;
// Return the excerpt() if it exists other truncate.
if ( has_excerpt() )
$content = '<p>' . get_the_excerpt() . '</p>';
$content = '<p>' . wp_trim_words( get_the_content(), 40, '...' ) .
There are some variations of the above code.
Switch out is_singular() || is_admin() with !is_archive()
// Only apply to non singular view.
if ( !is_singular() ) {
if ( is_singular() && is_page() ) {
remove_all_actions( 'beans_post_header' );
if ( is_single() or is_page() ) {
beans_remove_action( 'beans_post_image' );
Additional resources:
Developer themes
Codecademy PHP
PHP Net Manual