On Slack in Make WordPress I came across a thread which talked about improving the Youtube embed block in Gutenberg and one of the things mentioned was removing the unrelated videos from a Youtube embed. I have tried it out on a client site I am working on and it worked fine.
The link to WP for the Win blog post about removing unrelated videos from Youtube embed block in Gutenberg was mentioned.
Example from adding the code to the Pro version of Code Snippets.
Remove unrelated videos from Youtube embed
The following code can be added to a child theme functions file or a code snippet plugin.
// Add modestbranding to WP Gutenberg Video Blocks
// https://wpforthewin.com/remove-related-videos-wp-gutenberg-embed-blocks/
function wpftw_modest_youtube_player( $block_content, $block ) {
if( in_array($block['blockName'], ['core-embed/youtube', 'core-embed', 'core/embed'] ) ) {
$block_content = str_replace( '?feature=oembed', '?feature=oembed&modestbranding=1&showinfo=0&rel=0', $block_content );
return $block_content;
add_filter( 'render_block', 'wpftw_modest_youtube_player', 10, 3);
Here is a Gutenberg issue: Enhance YouTube embed block with player parameters
Here is also a enhanced Youtube embed block WordPress plugin
An additional resource: https://embedresponsively.com/ (Will give you code to make the video responsive.)