Using the WPML multilingual language WordPress plugin with full site editing

I have lately been exploring the WPML multilingual language WordPress plugin with the default theme Twenty Twenty Four and full site editing. I noticed it works a lot better than I thought it would. WPML has really been working on improving the speed and ease of how the plugin works.

I expected a WPML that would heavily impact the speed of the site. I am so happy that I was wrong. Checking the site through Google Page Speed Insight showed a very high score on Mobile and Desktop. This made me very happy!

I have added steps and screenshots just below the video.

The video overview of how I went through the process of adding a translation.

How I use the WPML plugin to translate content.

The first thing I had to do.

WPML -> Theme and plugins localization

“Strings in the themes”. Select to translate the theme I am using. So that WPML would know about the different areas of the theme.
I went to Theme and plugins localization so that WPML would able to pick up the various areas inside Twenty Twenty Four theme I am using for the client site.

I selected the theme. Then clicked the “Scan selected themes for strings”.
The result showed 151 strings avaiable.

WPML Multilingual WordPress plugin - Theme and plugins localization. Strings in the themes.
WPML – Theme and plugins localization. Strings in the themes.

All pages screen

I have my content in place and I am ready to begin translating the original content into another language. The following screenshot shows two icons. + (plus) and a pencil for most of the pages. This is because I am seeing the Norwegian and English pages. The original Norwegian shows a pencil as in content has been added. The English shows a + (plus) sign because I have not yet added a translation. The gear icon next to Gamle bilder (old pictures) shows that I have looked at translating into English but have not finished it yet.

Gear icon = Needs to finish translation.
+ icon = Need to add a new translation.
Pencil icon = finished translation.
Half circle icon = translation being updated.

Add a translation

WPML All Pages Two languages Add translation to English
WPML – All Pages – Add translation to English

After having clicked to add a translation it goes into the Translation screen.

The Translation screen

WPML multilingual plugin translate content from Norwegian to English
WPML translate content from Norwegian to English

Update an existing translation

When posts, pages, patterns, templates, template parts, Navigation or a block has been adjusted. One needs to go to the Translation Management screen to update the languages impacted by the adjustment.

Click the checkbox to the left of the item that has been adjusted.

Translation Management

WPML multilingual plugin Translation Management
WPML Translation Management screen

Go to the bottom and make a selection.
I select Translate and Translate myself then click the button Add to Translation Queue.

WPML multilingual WordPress plugin Translation management Select translation options
WPML Translation management – Select translation options

After having adjusted a translation and having gone through Translation Management the item to translate will be added to the Translations queue

Translations queue

WPML multilingual WordPress plugin Translations queue screen
WPML Translations queue

Here I usually click the Translate button for the item needing translation. It will then go into the translation screen so that one can update the current translation.

The Site Editor – add a WMPL Language Switcher block to a Pages template.

On the right side we have the Language Switcher block settings. There in Layout I choose List and under Display I turn off show language name.
I can for instance also adjust the width between the two flags as well as the size among various options. The two flags are not aligning with each other horizontally so I believe I will need to add some CSS to one of the flags to get them to align. The Language Switcher can also be dragged into the Navigation area aligning up with the rest of the Navigation.

WPML Multilingual Language WordPress plugin Full Site Editor Pages template Language Switcher block
WPML – Full Site Editor – Pages template – Language Switcher block

Troubleshooting when things are not working

Sometimes during a translation the yellow bar on the left side does not turn green so that the translated content does not go up to 100%.
I have refreshed the browser and tried again. I have then been able to get the missing translation in place so that it reaches 100%.

Missing translations.
I have done something to a header, navigation, post, page etc and need to remember to go into Translation management and filter to what I had adjusted. For instance the header. I noticed it needing update and clicked to update. Then hopefully it will be in place. Perhaps even go the bottom and select to translate it myself and then go into the Translations screen and select the element and update it/translate it. This way anything that is missing I went through the process of adjusting and the translation was added.

Missing theme strings/areas.
If the Translation Management does not show any theme specific areas then be sure to first go to Theme and plugins localization to scan the theme you are using for strings/words that will be added to the Translation Management screen.

I will add on to the trouble shooting section when I notice additional things that would be good to add.

Resources used.

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