Hide BuddyPress pages and bbPress forums from not logged in users

The following code snippets will redirect a not logged in users when they click a BuddyPress or a bbPress link. There is some variation between these depending on what you…
WordPress tutorials and more
WordPress tutorials and more
The following code snippets will redirect a not logged in users when they click a BuddyPress or a bbPress link. There is some variation between these depending on what you…
Create and style the Excerpt in the Block Editor (Gutenberg). Go to a post and in the right sidebar settings area of the document (Post). Notice the Excerpt area.Here I…
Do please help me adjust or improve the below lightbox codes. Thank you very much!Here are the lightboxes I have added to this tutorial. ColorboxLightbox 2Fancybox 3Fancybox 4 (not yet…
I will show how to create a child theme and why we use it. We mainly create a child theme to avoid the theme being overwritten when the parent theme…
cPanel has a few backup and restore software. Two I have come across are: JetBackup. The webhost automatically backs up the account every night to a remote server and is…
The WordPress configuration file is located in the root of your WordPress file directory and contains the website’s base configuration details, such as database connection information. All code is to…
I might update this tutorial showing newer Themify themes. Older tutorial. Originally from 2 March 2013. Updated 8 January 2016. Below here are many video tutorials that will help you…
I looked at the various Genesis Child Themes and was curious about the features of each. Original post was published 30 June – 2016. The following is an overview. I…
The goal is to easily forward multiple e-mail addresses in one go (at once) in the cPanel control panel. Login to your web host and go to cPanel. In the…
Here are various WordPress developer resources that I find useful. Let me know of other resources I should add to the list. The WordPress Codex – “the online manual for…
I am adding various resources within design, user interface, user experience and more that I find useful. Do also let me know of other resources I should add to the…
I uploaded an image into an issue I created at one of my repositories at Github and copied the Image link information into the readme file. Here is the code…
The more in depth customization tutorial is located here: Customize CSS to Style your Site. The below is the shorter tutorial. Sometimes I just want to make a change to…
Sometimes we need to use conditions in the code.Here are some conditional examples using the now expired Beans WordPress Framework. Here is a link to my Beans tutorial website. (Not…
How to add and use JS scripts in WordPress. A client who has the web site celias.no gave me the task of adding a calculator to her WordPress website. The calculator…
A list of helpful JavaScript resources. Dig in and enjoy! Let me know of other resources I should add to the list. Learn JavaScript Basics of Computer Programming with JavaScript…
A long list of helpful CSS resources. Dig in and enjoy! Let me know of other CSS resources I should add or when I need to edit the list. CSS…
Here is an overview of various Multisite Network plugins I have found especially useful. Some are at the WordPress repository some I found on Github searching for WordPress multisite. Disable…
How to create a WordPress multisite network. The following step by step tutorial is based on the “Create a network” WordPress support article.A multisite is a collection of single sites…
Use the plugin The Temporary Login Without Password plugin an alternative to giving support your WordPress admin credentials. Often times we will need help from support of some kind. Be…
The last update of the original tutorial was 3 April 2020. Today there are easier methods to add a top level domain to a multisite. This is the default WordPress…
How to take a screenshot on Mac OSX. There are a few methods to take a screenshot on the Mac OSX using the default Screenshot software. Located inside the Application…
Test out a new Gutenberg feature before it has been added to the plugin. Testing a Pull Request (PR) gives us a chance to give feedback before the feature is…
NB! Needs an update! How to test a Trac ticket and Github PR. Further down this page are instructions for testing a default WordPress theme from 2019, 2020 and 2021.…
NB! Needs an update! Description To start contributing to the WordPress core codebase, you will need to set up a local development environment. This environment consists of everything necessary to…
Styling the Auto WordPress embed link. One can not style the WP embed because this is located inside an iframe which is added from an external web site. One can…
Not sure how well this plugin is supported any longer. An alternative is the Code Snippets plugin. With CodeKit – Custom Codes Editor one can add CSS, JavaScript, HTML, PHP…
There are various methods to add custom code such as CSS, JavaScript and PHP to your web site. To affect the web site functions and how the web site is…
How to add a back to top link with smooth scrolling in Gutenberg (Block Editor). Add a Buttons block to the bottom of your page. In the sidebar while the…
Original article from: 8 November – 2014.It still gives good tips on what I went through when the site was hacked. My site was hacked My site Easy Web Design…
The result: Installing software that is not from the App Store or an identified developer will open a dialog screen asking if it is alright to install from them. One…
In development. As we develop a web site with WordPress we need to be sure that the Settings -> Reading – Search Engine Visibility: Discourage search engines from indexing this…
1 – Manually adding a Facebook Feed 2 – Plugins that help you add a Facebook Feed. This can only be done with a Facebook page. Not a profile or…
Changing the site from http til https. It is important to shift a web site from http to https. As a site can get punished by Google for for using…
Links from WordPress web sites might create wp-embeds (embeds). Such as the example below from Make WordPress Core. It can be difficult figuring out how to remove an auto embed…
Go to your Google Drive. I believe one needs to login to a Google address such as Gmail to gain access to Google Drive. I logged into my Gmail. Clicked…
The default WordPress comments might look something like this: Let’s say you instead want to give an option for the user to post comments using Facebook.To do so one needs…
I came across a shortcut to show/hide hidden files on my Macbook Pro running OSX 10.15 ( Catalina ). Press Command (cmd) + Shift + . (dot) to show or…
The public_html folder is a place to keep folders of the various domains one has at a web host.Web hosts usually have the main or primary domain in the root…
The cPanel automatic catch all e-mails. If your web host uses cPanel then you will in the Email -> Email Accounts notice a catch all emails account called Default. Which…
An easy way to add a Github Gist into Gutenberg (Block Editor) is by using a HTML block. Locate the Gist you would like to Embed. Click into the area…
Styling the frontend without it affecting the Gutenberg background layout. I use style.css or the customizer to add CSS to adjust the look of the frontend of a site. With…
One good way to find the correct CSS tag is to use the browser inspect properties.Find a section on the frontend of your site you want to take a closer…
Here are some advice to protect your web site. Install the plugin Theme Authenticity Checker (TAC) to see if there are any malware or unwanted code in the theme you have installed.…
One thing I miss is the opportunity to go back and edit a spelling mistake in a comment.Simple Comment Editing makes is really simple to go back and edit or delete…
Move your site on or offline with Duplicator the backup and clone plugin. I have used the Duplicator plugin for many years. It is my go to when I need…
The WordPress plugin Duplicator Pro. Main features are scheduling, storage, custom templates, dedicated support, a more efficient way to backup larger sites and more. Here is a short intro to Duplicator Pro. Go…
The result should look something like the below. Full width image behind the post and page titlesI have looked at how Showcase Pro a Genesis Child theme that has added…
Copyright information Most often we add some copyright information at the bottom of the page that says something about year, made by, made with and perhaps a link to the…
Finding good ways to manage and create menus with WordPress. This article needs a good update. The current method to handle menus is to go to the Appearance -> Menus.…
I found code to immediately show CSS site changes on the frontend. I have many times become very frustrated when I adjusted some CSS and could not immediately see the…
Genesis themes have an unique way to add a sticky / fixed footer. If your using a theme that is not a Genesis theme then check out my tutorial: Creating…
Add your own editor style We can style the content creation area inside the backend post or page creation screen by using add editor style code. The following code uses…
Needs to be updated. After installing WordPress there are many steps to take before adding content. You already have your domain and web host in place and now need to…
The Themify Parallax theme and how I am using it From the older tutorial originally published 15 July 2014. Updated 9 April 2017.I might also update this tutorial again. Themify.me…
Related Posts plugin for WordPress By Barry Kooji and Never5. A related posts plugin will show similar posts from the same site usually at the bottom of an article.There are a…
The following is a list of Genesis Child themes not listed at the StudioPress Genesis Child themes. Free Genesis Child themes A Collection of Resources listing a lot of Child Themes…
How I added breadcrumbs to this site. There are a lot of really good resources to find when creating a web site with using a Genesis WordPress theme. The following…
I decided to download the Genesis Metro Child theme. Took a copy of the full folder.I renamed the copied folder to Custom and the Theme Name information seen inside the…
This tutorial contains lots of widget areas that can be used in Genesis child themes. One of the reasons why I use Genesis themes is all the information that is…
Creating parallax effects when scrolling with WordPress A static jpg showing 4 product images. These can be animated. I am using two files. One to create the main animation effects (Waypoints)…
Related Posts for WordPress Premium Plugin Barry Kooij has made a quick and efficient related posts plugin I would highly recommend.I have earlier written about the free version here: Related Posts…
How to hide the meta boxes …..but still having them accessible through the Screen Options tab. I was wondering how to hide specific meta boxes in the post screen as…
I am for now reposting the tutorial I made 2 July 1016. (Adding the original date to this tutorial.)I assume this can at a later time be updated to show…
Further below I will also show a responsive iFrame Embed. The default view of a Youtube url embeded into a post or page: I am using the intro to Duplicator Pro as…
Adjusting thumbnails or other images used on a site. … Can create a blurred like look. This can be adjusted by refreshing the image cache. Last night I decided to turn off…
Customizing sidebars by using Content Aware Sidebar plugin. One of the best Sidebars plugins is the Content Aware Sidebars plugin by Joachim Jensen. I really like the UI and how easy it…
How to use and display Advanced Custom Fields in a Genesis theme. This is a somewhat technical tutorial on how to use Advanced custom fields. I keep text to a minimum.…
Upload the icons you want to use to your Media Library (or have a link to where they are located online).Find the link of each icon by going to media…
These are specific for the Genesis Framework – StudioPress Themes for WordPress. Add PHP code to the child theme functions.php file or a code snippet plugin. Change the [Read more…] text to…
A few Plugins for the Genesis Framework An oldie Genesis Simple Comments Plugin by Nick the Geek. Genesis Simple Edits Plugin The Settings page for Simple Edits. I am wondering if it will…
have seen so many positive comments at various web sites about Genesis themes so I decided to try it out. Purchasing the Genesis Framework one gets two things:– The Framework– and…
A Page template is a way to style a page in an unique way to create another type of style that is different from other pages. It is located to…
Code used in Minimum Pro and Executive Pro StudioPress have two Child Themes that contain custom post types: Minimum Pro and Executive Pro. Minimum Pro Demo Minimum Portfolio Post typeThe first…
The result showing the Plugin Articles section. Adding widgets code to the child theme functions file. One can just add one home widget area and add the Genesis – Featured…
Download Mamp & Mamp Pro. Use MAMP to create a local (offline) site. I use MAMP to create a local development site and when I am ready to place it online…
Customizing the search box in a Genesis theme. I did some searching and found a few really nice tutorials on customizing the search box in a Genesis theme. First of all we…
22 September 2021: Mysite Myway – does not exist any longer. The Modular theme from Mysite myway Here is a 15 minute initial look at the Modular theme from Mysite…
Collapse O Matic WordPress Plugin tutorial A fairly easy to use Accordion. To open and close showing and hiding content.
Installing sample content for Suco theme by Themify.me. The first step in this video – Install of WordPress through MAMP which I already installed. MAMP makes it possible to install…
Going through the Themify Framework. Back in 2014 I used the Themify.me themes and they offered a really good framework of various options. Unlike many other themes at the time.…
Themify has their own Page Builder which is integrated into the Themify settings in the backend and can be activated on the Frontend. The Themify Builder 2021 version. Themify Ultra…
Here are recordings I made from the WordCamp Norway Conference 26 januar 2013. I have also mixed in videos that I did not take to show the full program. These…
Using a headset to cancel out the fan noise from the computer. Before I began using a headset to record my Screencasts it could suddenly become noisy as the fan…